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W-sv company - review of pseudo-broker

W-sv company

The company W-sv is supposedly a cool broker, but in fact, of course not. This is a scam, and extremely dangerous, because it was created by experienced swindlers.

W-sv is just a cog in the fine-tuned mechanism, which exists only for robbing people of their money. It is a typical pseudo-broker, which appeared out of nowhere and will disappear in the same direction, and already in the foreseeable future.

Effective solutions for traders all over the world. W-sv offers excellent customer service with free support for all account types. More than 160,000 traders and investors have registered accounts and are actively trading every day. And all because simple solutions for complex investment tasks of earning on global financial markets are available here.

There are three types of trading accounts. We see that the minimum deposit amount is $1,000. And this is not a small amount, especially as a broker with absolutely nothing behind him.
This is a template project, it is made in the same way as its numerous analogues. It is possible to see it at least in the site structure. A few things have changed - the design, the name of the project, some texts. Everything else - the same.

The legal information which W-sv obviously boasts of is sheer nonsense from beginning to end. They list a whole bunch of regulators and financial commissions, supposedly all working with W-sv.
Except they don't. You won't find any mention of a company like W-sv on any website of these regulators. Simply because it doesn't have any licenses. No Belize, where W-sv is supposedly registered, no Mauritius, no Cyprus, none at all.

The contact information is also left-handed, the only real way to try to contact the admins is through an email account.

Divorce here the same as in all other scams of this series. Noodle on their ears, and professionally, forcing the victim to invest serious money, and then simply do not return anything. And even demand a bunch of payments, allegedly after that you'll get it all back. Of course not.

Do not contact W-sv under any circumstances. Another fake broker from dangerous scammers.

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